The Gospel for 4th Sunday of Easter is John 10:11-18
1. Good Shepherd Sunday
The fourth Sunday of Easter is celebrated as Good Shepherd Sunday. The Gospel of the Good Shepherd is read throughout the Church on this day.
We also pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. This is an invitation to each of us to join in this prayer not only on this day, but throughout the year.
2. Key Words
The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Jesus is the good shepherd and the model for every pastor of how he should give his life for those to whom he is sent. Giving one’s life for others means giving one’s time, strength, ability, attention, living for others and not for oneself.
I know my sheep, and my sheep know me. In an Italian parish, the catechist once asked the children to write questions to the Lord Jesus. One of the children asked: “Lord Jesus, are you friends with our priest or do you only know each other from work?” Of course, this applies to each of us: Are we friends with the Lord Jesus? Or do we know Him only by sight.
I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead. Pope Francis is an example of how to look for people on the outskirts, like Jesus who looks for a lost sheep. And when he finds it, he puts it up on his shoulders and brings it into the fold.
3. Today
Jesus saw sheep grazing in the poor desert areas and in the fertile pastures of Galilee. He saw shepherds who always walked ahead of the sheep, leading them to the best places. Let us pray for our pastors, that they will courageously and lovingly lead us to Jesus.