In a new interview Pope Francis, has spoken about the pandemic, corruption in the Church, and other themes.
We share with our readers his comments regarding his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI:
The Church is and continues to be strong, but the issue of corruption is a profound problem, (with roots) lost in centuries past. At the beginning of my pontificate, I went to meet with Benedict. As he handed things over to me, he gave me a big box: ‘Everything is here inside,’ he said, ‘There are the documents with the most difficult situations. I made it this far, I intervened in this situation, I removed these people and now… it’s your turn.’ Look; I’ve done nothing but take up the testimony of Pope Benedict. I’ve continued his work. …
The Holy Father also spoke of his great esteem for the retired pope.
For me, Benedict is a father and brother. In letters, I write, ‘filially and fraternally.’ I go to see him often up there (he points his finger in the direction of the Mater Ecclesiae monastery, right behind San Peter’s, Ndr.) and if recently I’ve seen him a bit less it’s only because I don’t want to tire him out. Our rapport is truly good, very good; we agree on the things that need to be done. Benedict is a good man, he’s holiness personified. There are no problems between us, although each person can say and think what he wants. Just think: They’ve even managed to say that we’ve argued, Benedict and I, over which tomb is for me and which is for him!