One of the best ways to start your day is to begin with prayer. It is a way to set the tone for the rest of the day and remember your love of God before doing anything else.
Here is a short prayer from My Prayer Book that directs your morning prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, sending your love to him who waits for you in the tabernacle.
Sweetest Jesus, you have been waiting patiently all through the night, watching for the moment which should find me once more at your blessed feet. And now, dearest Jesus, I have come with my heart full of thanks to you for having spared me during the night past, and for having given me another day to labor for your greater honor and glory, and the salvation of my soul. I offer myself entirely to you. Make my heart like yours, meek and humble; let me resemble you in charity and kindness to all; make me resigned to your holy will, and grant that I may be worthy of that reward which you have promised to those who love you faithfully here upon earth. Amen.