COVID-19 lockdowns have proved particularly challenging for the older generations, especially those living alone. Not only are the elderly worried about the very real dangers of the virus, they’re cut off from all those they hold dear at a time in their lives they need them the most.
Although they might ask others for help, it takes great strength, especially when reaching out to non-family members. But recently, a 72-year-old took the plunge and shared with her neighbors her vulnerability and the outcome was shared on Reddit. The result was both heart-warming and a reminder of just how precious good neighbors are.

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The septuagenarian posted a note in her lobby explaining how she was “going round the twist” (British slang for a bit stir crazy), and asked if anybody had any books or DVDs they could leave outside her door. The neighbors responded with a fabulous donation that would certainly keep the woman busy.
Touched by the generosity of her neighbors, the elderly woman posted another note the next day sharing her gratitude and her plan to leave the donations on a table for others to share, once she’d finished with them. Signing off by saying “you have saved an old bird’s sanity,” she surely made neighbors feel content that their kindness really paid off.
If there is one thing that this coronavirus has taught us, it’s that we must look out for each other, especially the more vulnerable in society. And the more we see these kind gestures popping up on our social media, the more others are inspired to help out, too.

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