Being a mom is one of life’s greatest privileges. We’re responsible, along with our spouse, for raising a child to become the great person he or she is called to be. There is much joy in being a mother, but sometimes it can also be a struggle. At those times, we find ways to get the job done — with a smile on our face (or not!) and sometimes a few tears in the process.
The great news is that during those moments when we’re tired or fed up, we’re not alone. God is always with us, and mothers everywhere can understand how we feel. There are many things we moms do that are a little annoying, repetitive, and time-consuming — but we do them out of love. Click on the slideshow to see the kinds of tasks we may struggle through. (You might have your own little love-hate chores that you can share in the comments below!)

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15 Facts about motherhood people usually don’t tell you

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The true beauty of motherhood captured in 1 minute (Video)