Nearly everyone has doubts about their Christian faith at some point in their lives. Some have more severe doubts and if they are not addressed, will quickly lead to a complete loss of faith.
If you are at that point in your life and are living by a small thread of faith, consider praying to God through the intercession of St. Gabriel. Angels have been appointed by God to be messengers to us and an aid in our every need. In particular, St. Gabriel is often associated with topics of knowledge and can clear those doubts away.
Here is a short prayer that should be prayed with a contrite heart, asking God to illuminate the darkness in your mind. The prayer is based on a private revelation approved by the Church that was received by a Franciscan sister named Mother Mariana on January 20, 1610 in Ecuador.
Dear St. Gabriel, celestial ambassador of the Incarnation of the Divine Word, illuminate my intelligence so that I may know and understand the truths of our Catholic Faith. Erase all of my doubts that I might have in regards to God’s mercy and justice. Amen.
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Why is St. Gabriel the patron saint of messengers and communications professionals?
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A powerful prayer to St. Gabriel the Archangel