The Catechism says that virtues allow a person to “give the best of himself.” They are habits that make possible ease, self-mastery, and joy in leading a morally good life. The virtuous man is he who freely practices the good. In other words, the more we attain virtue, the happier and freer we will be. The more in peace we’ll be with ourselves and others, and with God.
There are many virtues, and it’s a lifelong task to continuously grow in them. But Padre Pio has a secret. He says that with the acquisition of two virtues in particular, the rest will come along, like little chicks following their mother hen.
He says:
Remain tranquil, striving ever more intensely with divine help to keep humility and charity firm within you, for they are the most important parts of the great building, and all the others depend on them. Keep yourself firmly fixed in them. One is the highest thing, the other the lowest. The preservation of the entire building depends on both the foundations and the roof. If we keep our hearts applied to the constant exercise of these [virtues], we will encounter no difficulties with the others. They are the mothers of the virtues; the other virtues follow them like chicks follow their mother.

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Padre Pio says God is “obliged” to answer this type of prayer