How can I say this? Here it is: this book is something other than a book, in fact, it’s much more than a book.
It is a rite of passage, in the best sense of the word. A journey that starts from a finite world and leads to an infinite, divine universe, where you will travel from wonder to wonder, in search of your raison d’être.
Yes, that is indeed the invitation made to you by this original publication: “Come and live in the divine space which is the Odyssey of your raison d’être!” And this invitation, well, it makes good on all its promises!
How is that possible?
The genius of this book, unlike any other, is that it offers you an authentic spiritual retreat, at home; or even on vacation at your holiday destination.
From beginning to end, the pilgrim-traveller is guided, “coached” as we say today, on the path of a spiritual elevation as demanding as it is sublime. All you have to do is book in your schedule one hour a day for seven days, like a kind of retreat. From there you’ll be taken care of. Follow the guide, it will not exempt you from trudging along difficult terrain, but it will guarantee that you remain on the right path and that you do not miss the many treasures that there are to see, to listen to, to contemplate, and to meditate.
A perspective of conversion and mission that changes everything
In the past, Christian preaching of conversion and mission focused on “the final ends”. The vanity of earthly life was demonstrated in the perspective of death and the Last Judgment. We would call out to people and say, “Remember, you’re a mortal! “And it bore fruit. Many were converting and changing their lives.

Today, no one talks about death and eschatological perspectives anymore, people entertain themselves by not thinking about it. This book clearly suggests that you come back to these thoughts. But not by reviving a “preaching of fear”. On the contrary, by proposing a preaching of joy and happiness. In fact, the purpose of this astonishing book is not to tell you: “Remember that you are mortal! “But remember, you are eternal!” And that changes everything.
Death is not a fatal accident
Certainly, there is death. Certainly, since the original fall, death has become an accident of life. And a serious accident, in many ways terrifying. However, dare we say, death is not a fatal accident. “When we think about the ultimate meaning of our existence, there is always a tree that hides the forest from us,” warns the author, Pierre-Marie Dumont. “This tree is our inevitable death. In fact, the prospect of our death prevents us from seeing the great and definitive fact that God created us eternal. Just because the human being has become mortal does not mean that he has ceased to be promised to eternal life. We are alive forever, and nothing and no one can put an end to it. It is therefore first of all from the certain perspective that our existence is eternal that we should know how to live… and how to die.”
The supreme beauty of our raison d’être
The journey suggested by this book starts from there. To arrive at this perspective: “God’s creative plan is that our life will never end and therefore, after our earthly pilgrimage, it will continue forever by being adopted out of love within the very heart of divine Life, for our immeasurable happiness”. Ah, Lord, Your will be done! And now the book ends – what am I saying? But of course: this book does not end! – and behold, the book opens forever to the vision of God’s will carried out, at the last second of the last day of time, “when in the parousia of Christ Jesus the truth of Creation will be revealed and we will be able to give thanks, forever, for the supreme beauty of our raison d’être.”
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