It can be overwhelming when embarking on a new project. Especially if the project will have a major impact on your life or the lives of others, the pressure we feel could be immense. We may even feel alone and are tempted to back out.
However, God is always there at our side, ready to give his blessing that will strengthen us. He wants to help us, but we need to be humble enough to ask him for help. It requires an interior acknowledgement that whatever project we are doing, whether it’s at home, work or school, can only be accomplished through his power.
Below is a prayer from the St. Vincent’s Prayer Manual that can help orient our hearts toward God and give him the wheel for our next major project. We may not always want to do that, but when we do, he will be with us every step of the way.
I come to thee, Jesus, before I commence thisundertaking, to consecrate it, through thy hands,to the glory of thy eternal Father, and to implore thysuccor, that it may be executed in the manner mostagreeable to him. Thou knowest, that, without thee,I can do nothing: grant me, then, the necessary assistance to accomplish the will of thy heavenly Father,to observe faithfully all the laws of justice, and keepmyself free from sin in the execution of this undertaking; or rather, take the charge of the whole uponthyself. Conduct it by thy wisdom; execute it bythy power, and bring every thing to a happy issue,through thy infinite goodness, to the glory of thyFather, and to the eternal salvation of my soul. Amen.
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