It’s not easy being a faithful Christian in this world, and at times we may feel wounded or spiritually weak from our own failures. We aren’t perfect and this reality is not always easy to handle.
At times we may even be tempted to walk away from the Church, thinking that God could never love such an imperfect human being. We may even think we are “damaged goods,” incapable of being loved by anyone.
Yet, our God is one who continues to love us, even though we are sinful and imperfect. He urges us to come back to him and allow ourselves to be healed by his love.
After first receiving his life-saving medicine through the sacrament of confession, God desires to further bind our wounds in the gift of holy communion. It is a way in which we can go directly to the Divine Physician and let him further heal our soul.

Read more:
How to go to confession, a step-by-step guide
To help prepare for our next “trip” to the Divine Physician, pray this prayer before receiving holy communion. This will help you view the Mass in a much different way and approach the sacrament of the altar as a place for healing and strength.
My Savior! I will approach thee, because my soul is sick and in need of the abundance of thy graces, and the multitude of thy mercies. I am subject to innumerable faults, tepid and inconstant in my duty to thee; but it is only thou, my adorable Physician, that can remedy my miseries and my weaknesses; thou who art the God of mercy and the bread that strengthens the soul.

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When the storms of life increase, hide yourself in Jesus’ heart with this prayer

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Unite your heart with Jesus’s heart with these short prayers