On May 8, 1902, a large volcanic eruption coming from Mount Pelée on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean decimated the village of Saint-Pierre and was making its way towards the village of Morne Rouge.
It was the feast of the Ascension and the local parishioners flocked to the Catholic church, frightened by the massive eruption. The people were strongly devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the parish priest exposed the Eucharist for adoration on the altar.
Everyone desired to make their last confession and while praying fervently for their lives, they looked up and noticed an apparition of the Sacred Heart in the eucharistic host. The Sacred Heart of Jesus was crowned with thorns and some saw his precious blood dripping from his heart. The apparition remained with the people for several hours and a large number of people witnessed the miraculous event.
The village was spared that day from the volcanic eruption and all were given the chance to reconcile with God in the sacrament of confession.
However, a few months later on August 30 another volcanic eruption occurred and many were killed in the city of Morne Rouge. The local people believe that God spared them on May 8 so that they could have extra time to make peace with God before he called them home. Instead of seeing it as a sign of God’s rage, they believed it was an act of mercy and remain committed to the Sacred Heart even after such a tragic event.

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The tsunami that receded when it was blessed with the Blessed Sacrament

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4 Incredible Eucharistic miracles that defy scientific explanation