While many are familiar with the traditional house blessing, where a priest invokes the power of God to protect a person’s home from evil, there is also a prayer to invoke the loving protection of the Virgin Mary.

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2 Prayers to banish evil from a house or room
The Blessed Mother looks tenderly upon all those who call upon her name and loves us more than even our earthly mother. She listens attentively to all our needs and is ready to envelop us with her most pure love. She shares the same love God has for us, as Jesus describes it in the Gospel of Matthew, “I yearned to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her young under her wings” (Matthew 23:37).
Below is a short prayer that seeks the special protection of the Virgin Mary, asking her to bless the house in which your family resides.
O Mary, bless this house where your name is always blessed. Praise forever be to Mary Immaculate, the every-Virgin mother, blessed among women, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Queen of Paradise. Cover this house with the mantle of your protection, Mother of mercy!

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A prayer to bless the door of your home