As Catholics, we believe that every action of ours can become a “prayer” and be offered to God. Unfortunately, we often fail to think of this as we go about our daily business, especially when we work deep in the secular world.
Yet, we believe that God can transform our ordinary lives into something extraordinary, even turning the most mundane actions into grace-filled moments, that can even bring grace upon someone else. In this little way, we can imitate Jesus and his supreme sacrifice on the cross. We are inspired by His example and transform our actions, whether creating spreadsheets on the computer, or cleaning the bathroom at a gas station, into a prayer acceptable to God.
Below is a brief prayer from the St. Vincent Manual that puts this idea into a concrete prayer that we can adapt to our needs.
My God, it was for thee I began this work, and it is for thee, I continue; let all that I do be always done for thy glory, for my own sanctification, and for the salvation of souls. I renew the offering of this action especially for [mention name here].
This prayer reminds us that no matter what we do, we can sanctify our actions and elevate them into something more.

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