In his post-synodal exhortation titled Christus Vivit(“Christ Is Alive”), Pope Francis relates to young people one of the most essential truths in Christianity. The pontiff writes, “The very first truth I would tell each of you is this: ‘God loves you.’ It makes no difference whether you have already heard it or not. I want to remind you of it. God loves you. Never doubt this, whatever may happen to you in life. At every moment, you are infinitely loved.”
Pope Francis then goes on to highlight seven particular verses in the Bible that speak God’s love for us and how he communicates those words to us today.
Here is a slideshow of times God said “I love you” in the Bible.

Read more:
Fr. Cantalamessa: Have you understood God’s love like this?

Read more:
This is how much God loves you, according to Mother Teresa