St. Paul writes in his letter to the Thessalonians, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). While this can be interpreted in various ways, one option is to try and keep God always in your mind, at least at some level.
Prayer without ceasing can also involve turning your mind to God, even during the most routine tasks, such as taking a shower or bath.
While praying to God in the shower may be the furthest thing from your mind, it does help set the tone for the rest of the day and can provide a mini-retreat as you spend a few moments in silence and contemplation.
For parents, this may be one of the only quiet times during the entire day (provided that the bathroom door is locked)!
In any case, below is a brief prayer from the St. Vincent’s Manual that can inspire you during your short respite in preparation for the day ahead.
O my loving Redeemer! I cast my sinful soul into the all-cleansing stream, which thou didst, on Calvary, bequeath to me. If thou, my Jesus, wash me, I shall be made whiter than snow, and less unworthy to appear before thee, in thy holy temple.Water from the side of Jesus, purify me, that I may be thus prepared to dwell in thy adorable heart—my sweetest, my securest refuge.

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Here’s a prayer for when you are walking down the street

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There’s even a prayer for when you are changing your clothes