There will be times in our spiritual life when prayer is difficult and we receive no immediate consolation. Previously we may have had a deep spiritual experience and knew exactly what to say during prayer, but now, words seem pointless.
This can be a difficult time of prayer when we are not motivated at a natural level to remain in God’s presence. It is at this point that we should strive to do the exact opposite of our own inclinations, and cry out to God in our anguish.
One of the most beneficial exercises to do is relate to God your honest feelings. God wants to hear from us, both the good and the bad. The more we can relate to him our human experience, the closer we are to his heart. Even if we can’t feel his presence, God is there with us in a unique way during this period of suffering.
Below is a prayer that can be a springboard to a more honest time of prayer, relying not on our own ability to pray or excite spiritual emotions, but casting ourselves before God and placing our head near his heart.
My God! I am truly nothing, and I can do nothing. I do not know even what to say to thee; but to listen to the heart of thy Divine Son.

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Pray this prayer before meditation to enter into Jesus’ heart

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When your prayer is dry and without any emotion, remember this key principle