From Pope Francis’ new post-synodal apostolic exhortation on young people, called “Christus vivit” or “Christ Is Alive,” we offer you these 15 “meme-worthy” quotes:
Read the whole document here.
I say to you, arise!
Everything that separates us from others makes the soul grow old. (#13)
If you have lost your inner vitality, your dreams, your enthusiasm, your optimism and your generosity, Jesus stands before you as once he stood before the dead son of the widow, and with all the power of his resurrection he urges you: “Young man, I say to you, arise!” (#20)
Youth is more than simply a period of time; it is a state of mind. (#34)
Mary did not take out an insurance policy! She took the risk, and for this reason she is strong … (#44)
Quoting Servant of God Carlo Acutis: “Everyone is born as an original, but many people end up dying as photocopies.” (#106)

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Tech geek? Meet your new saintly friend, Venerable Carlo Acutis
Beloved and in love
At every moment, you are infinitely loved. (#112)
The love of the Lord has to do more with … the future than the past. (#116)
God does not get upset if you share your questions with him. (#117)
Let him save you! (#119)
You must repeat this always: I am not up for sale; I do not have a price. I am free! Fall in love with this freedom, which is what Jesus offers. (#122)
Your own way
You won’t become holy and find fulfilment by copying others. … You have to discover who you are and develop your own way of being holy, whatever others may say or think. (#162)
Do not be bystanders in life. Get involved! Jesus was not a bystander. (#174)
I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility, incapable of true love. I have great confidence in you, and for this very reason, I urge you to opt for marriage. (#264)

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I ask you never to give up on your dreams, never completely bury a calling, and never accept defeat. Keep seeking at least partial or imperfect ways to live what you have discerned to be your real calling. (#272)
Jesus is walking in our midst, as he did in Galilee. He walks through our streets, and he quietly stops and looks into our eyes. His call is attractive and intriguing. (#277)
Read the whole document here.

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