Unfortunately, there are few nations on earth today that are not divided. Living in a fallen world, there will always be sides trying to overthrow other sides, creating great friction in the process.
However, Jesus said to his disciples, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). While division frequently occurs, God has called us all to bring peace into the world, healing the rifts that arise.
One person who was widely known as a peacemaker was St. Andrew Corsini, bishop of Fiesole, Italy, during the 14th century. The Catholic Encyclopedia offers a brief summary of his life and reputation as a peacemaker.
Called to the See of Fiesole, he fled, but was discovered by a child, and compelled to accept the honour. He redoubled his austerities as a bishop, was lavish in his care of the poor, and was sought for everywhere as a peacemaker, notably at Bologna, whither he was sent as papal legate to heal the breach between the nobility and the people.
For this reason St. Andrew Corsini has been invoked over the centuries as a patron saint against civil disturbance and riots. He is a powerful intercessor for peace within one’s own country.
Below is a prayer for peace frequently distributed by the Carmelites, the religious order of which St. Andrew was a member.
God our Father, you reveal that those who work for peace will be called your children.
Through the prayers of St. Andrew Corsini,
who excelled as a peacemaker, help us to work without ceasing
for that justice which brings truth and lasting peace.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.

Read more:
A powerful prayer for peace in the world

Read more:
Here’s what you need to know about the Carmelites