Generosity is one attribute that St. Marguerite Bourgeoys excelled in. She arrived in the New World ready to help the poor and suffering souls of the French colony in Canada and went to work right away.
Her generous heart was even recognized by the King of France, Louis XIV. He encouraged her and wrote a letter, saying, ““Not only has she performed the office of schoolmistress by giving free instruction to the young girls in all the occupations that make them capable of earning their livelihood, but, far from being a liability to the country, she has built permanent buildings, cleared land-concessions, set up a farm …”
To help us imitate her example, below is a prayer for her intercession that asks God to fill us with a “spirit of openness” that is “concerned for our brothers and sisters throughout the world.”
O Mother Bourgeoys, you, whose compassionate power is ever increasing, show us your way of Truth, Faith and Holiness.Make us humble enough to abandon ourselves to the Will of God, generous enough to find in the Cross the joy of the Loving Giver.May your fidelity to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament lead us ever nearer to this source of light and peace. May your spirit of openness help us to be concerned for our brothers and sisters throughout the world.Finally, may Our Lady of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bring us to this unity of eternal grace to which God has called you for all eternity.Amen.

Read more:
Meet Marguerite Bourgeoys, a Canadian saint who zealously worked for the poorest of society
Read more:
Bl. Dina Belanger: The “Little Flower” of Canada