St. Lucy was a holy young woman of the 3rd century, who was inspired by St. Agatha to dedicate her life to God.
At the time she was betrothed to a man, but Lucy felt called by God to remain a virgin and distribute her dowry to the poor.
This enraged her betrothed, who brought her in front of consul Paschasius for being a Christian. Paschasius commanded her to offer sacrifice to the pagan idols. Lucy adamantly refused and remained steadfast in the practice of her Christian faith.
Paschasius was astonished by the fearless responses of Lucy and sought to break her will. The medieval text known as the Golden Legend narrates what happens next.
“The sting of the whip will silence your lip!”Lucy: “Those who live chaste lives are the temples of the Holy Spirit.”“Then I shall have you taken to a brothel,” said Paschasius, “your body will be defiled and you will lose the Holy Spirit.”“The body is not defiled,” Lucy responded, “unless the mind consents. If you have me ravished against my will, my chastity will be doubled and the crown will be mine. You will never be able to force my will. As for my body, here it is, ready for every torture. What are you waiting for? Son of the devil, begin! Carry out your cruel designs!”
Paschasius set up his diabolic plan and said to his servants, “Invite a crowd to take their pleasure with this woman, and let them abuse her until she is dead.”
They approached Lucy and tried to forcibly move her, but were unable. A thousand men were summoned and still they weren’t able to move her. He sent for a thousand yoke of oxen and still, the Holy Spirit made Lucy immovable.
Even magicians were brought in to remove whatever spell was upon Lucy, but they were unsuccessful.
At his wit’s end, Paschasius had a fire built around her and boiling oil poured on top of her. In the midst of it all Lucy, remained pure and inviolate, untouched by the many attempts to defile her.
He finally gouged out her eyes, drew a sword and struck Lucy in the throat. This last blow was to be the cause of her martyrdom.
In the midst of such darkness, Lucy remained a light of purity for all to see. She dedicated herself to God and God protected her in her time of need.

Read more:
Prayer to St. Lucy, for the eyes of the body and those of the soul

Read more:
How St. Lucy became a light in Scandinavia