It’s easy to be envious of other people, especially those we see on Facebook or other social media channels. They appear to have it all together and are able to cook amazing meals, run a 5k every day of the week, and juggle family obligations with relative ease.
We are tempted to be envious of them, desiring their life, possessions, gifts and talents. In a nutshell, we want their happiness.
Venerable Louis of Granada, a Dominican priest of the 16th century, gave his advice in a book rightly called The Sinner’s Guide. In it, he gives a step-by-step plan for sinners who want to start practicing virtue and be released from their slavery to sin.
Below are a few remedies he gave for those who are tempted to be envious of other people.

Read more:
Practical remedies against lustful thoughts

Read more:
The first step in stopping a particular sin