Blessed Miguel Pro was a courageous Jesuit priest in Mexico during the early 20th century. He lived during a time of great persecution of the Church in Mexico, with laws that were directly aimed at the suppression of the Catholic Church.
This did not deter Pro, who continued to work as a priest in a clandestine fashion, often putting on disguises to celebrate Mass.
In the end he was discovered, arrested, and shot by a firing squad. His last words were famously, “Long live Christ the King!”
Below is a short novena prayer to Blessed Miguel Pro, which can be prayed on nine consecutive days for a specific intention.
Blessed martyr of Christ the King, Father Miguel Agustin Pro, you are a special patron of those who labor, those in illness, depression, or despair. You are also a friend of musicians, the captives, and all who work toward social justice. Your beloved brothers, the Jesuits, revere you and count you among the ranks of their saints. You love your people of Mexico and all those loyal to the Church.I thank the Sacred Heart for loving you so dearly. I pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe, whom you love so dearly, to intercede for the cause of your canonization. I pray that you remember me in your eternal and well-deserved rejoicing, and also my needs: [state needs]. Through your courageous life and martyrdom you have won the crown of life everlasting. Remember me, Blessed Miguel, for I remember you. Long live Christ the King! Long live Our Lady of Guadalupe!

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4 Saints who stood up to dictators… and what we can learn from them
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3 Saints who witnessed violence