These books of fiction will keep you so entertained, you won’t even realize you’re doing your brain a favor.
Did you know that reading fiction is good for you? It’s actually good for your brain because it promotes “deep reading,” which which is different from scanning articles and news headlines online, as most of us do these days. Reading a novel is also good for your mental health; it helps you become more empathetic and even fosters problem-solving skills.
But most importantly, a good story is just that: a good story. Human beings have been telling stories from the beginning of time, to entertain others and make sense of how the world works. No matter our age or stage of life, a great book of fiction is just what the doctor ordered to help you unwind on a chilly night.
Here are three tried-and-true novels that will keep you so entertained, you won’t even realize you’re doing your brain a favor.