It’s not an uncommon feeling. Your schedule is full and your to-do list is never-ending, and yet somehow you feel like your life is lacking direction, purpose, fulfilment? You begin to wonder why no amount of hard work gives you the sense of purpose you thought it would.
Sometimes we place so much value on productivity that we forget that productivity is not what defines us. Your worth does not stem from what you do, but rather from who you are.
St. Teresa of Calcutta wrote these words from the perspective of Jesus to remind us of the true source of our worth:
“I know you through and through — I know everything about you. The very hairs of your head I have numbered. Nothing in your life is unimportant to Me. I have followed you through the years, and I have always loved you. I know every one of your problems, I know your needs and your worries. And, yes, I know your sins. But I tell you again that I love you — not for what you have or haven’t done — I love you for you, for the beauty and dignity my Father gave you by creating you in His image.”
You can read the full piece here.

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She won a million dollars — and Mother Teresa helped her spend it