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Friday 26 July |
Saint of the Day: Sts. Joachim and Anne
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A prayer to Sts. Joachim and Anne for your wayward grandchildren


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Philip Kosloski - published on 07/26/18

If you are an anxious grandparent, here is a powerful prayer for those you dearly care about.

Grandparents possess a great duty in the life of a family. Not only are they given the task of passing on their experience and wisdom to the next generation, they are also encouraged to pray for their grandchildren, especially when they appear to be walking away from the life of faith.

In fact, only in Heaven will we truly realize how much the prayers of grandparents have brought many of us back to the Church after wandering for so many years!

One of the most powerful set of intercessors that grandparents can turn to are Sts. Joachim and Anne. They were the grandparents of Jesus Christ and the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. What an amazing household of faith!

Below is a simple prayer, often called the “Grandparent’s Prayer,” that can be prayed on a daily basis for all of your grandchildren. It is also a reminder of the great task that grandparents have and a daily call to conversion, recognizing the fact that grandchildren will always look to their grandparents for inspiration, whether they admit it or not.

Good Saint Anne and Saint Joachim,parents of Mary and grandparents to Jesus,be with me and all grandparentsthat we may be wise and loving,may share our time and stories and sense of humor,and may enjoy and not spoil too much the grandchildrenwho are close to our hearts,for they are the sign of God’s life to us.Jesus, Mary and Joseph,be with our grandchildren and all other grandchildrenthat they may love and respect their grandparentsand all older people,may remember to call,visit or write,and grow in wisdom,age and grace before God.Amen.


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