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In pictures: Saints and popes in flowers


ks. Luca Bovio | Facebook

I.Media - published on 07/04/18

Last weekend, on the occasion of the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, spectacular floral art works were installed on Via della Conciliazione leading to the Vatican.

This tradition, known as the Inflorata, consists of making real works of art with flower petals, chips, sawdust and … salt and sugar!

Throughout the weekend, onlookers and pilgrims could admire amazing compositions, including portraits of saints and pontiffs such as Pope Francis or John Paul II. For this, some artists had to work all night to be ready before the first visitors arrived. The custom, reestablished 8 years ago, was first was spread by the sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini around 1625.

On the occasion of the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul on June 29, 2018, floral works are installed on Via della Conciliazione and on the outskirts of Piazza Pius XII, which overlook the Vatican.

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