Lenten Campaign 2025
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Even though we live in an age when we are the most “connected” to everyone around the world, we are suffering from an “epidemic of loneliness.” Our relationships (both online and offline) are not always fulfilling and we are left feeling more lonelier than ever.
The good news is that we are never truly alone. God is always with us and wants to touch our hearts, warming it with the heat of his love. All we have to do is reach out and accept his offer of friendship, allowing him to penetrate the depths of our hearts.
For those times when do not particularly feel his love, we must go to him in prayer. Below is a powerful prayer that reminds us of this simple truth and calls out to God, asking for his consolation to flood our weary souls.
Dearest Lord, make us remember, when the world is cold and dreary, and we know not where to turn for comfort, that there is always one spot bright and cheerful—the Sanctuary. When we are in desolation of spirit, when all who are dear to us have passed away, like summer flowers, and none are left to love us and care for us, whisper to our troubled souls that there is one friend who dies not—one whose love never changes—Jesus on the altar. When sorrows thicken and crush us with their burden, when we look in vain for comfort, let thy dear words come forth with full force from the tabernacle, “Come to me all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will refresh you.” Thy friendship, dearest Lord, henceforth shall be the dearest treasure we possess. It shall compensate for the treachery and ingratitude of creatures. It shall be our consolation when the wild flowers are growing over the best loved ones, and when all who hold a dear place in our hearts are withered and gone! With thy friendship the world will never be dreary, and life never without a charm. Would that we could realize the pure happiness of possessing thy sympathy! Would that we could feel, when we are crushed and humbled, when the hope we have lived for has withered, when sorrows and trials, that we dare not reveal to any, make our souls sink well nigh unto death, when we look in vain for someone to understand us, one who will enter into our miseries, make us remember that there is One on the altar who knows every fiber of our hearts, every sorrow, every pain special to our peculiar natures, and who deeply sympathizes with us. Compassionate Jesus, our hearts crave for sympathy, and to suffer seems nothing to the bitterness of suffering alone.
See more specific prayers at Aleteia’s section of Prayers for a Particular Need.

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When we’re depressed or feeling blue, pray this prayer from Padre Pio