When asked about the moments that give the most meaning to our lives, we might be tempted to search for something apparently profound to say. But when Twitter user Alastair McAlpine asked his terminally ill pediatric patients what brought the most joy and meaning to their lives, their answers showed a simplicity and honesty that we might run away from as adults.
From family to pets, from good books to random acts of kindness, these kids paid tribute to the little things in life, and Alastair tweeted them out for us.
You can read their responses below.
We can’t be told too many times to live for what really matters. As Alastair put it, “Be kind. Read more books. Spend more time with your family. Crack jokes. Got to the beach. Hug your dog. Tell that special person you love them. These are the things these kids wished they could’ve done more. The rest is details.”