Get an exclusive glimpse into some of the incredible details of the life of one of our most beloved saints!
The Universal symbol of St. Thérèse’s presence .Devotional candles inside the Basilica.Confessional in Thérèse’s childhood church.Crucifix which young Thérèse used to pray for sinners.Devotional alcove honoring the Saint and her parents.Chapel within the Lisieux Carmel. (Convent)WWII soldier’s book from St. Thérèse that miraculously stopped a bullet.The Crypt of the Basilica - Tomb of Zelie and Louise Martín.In the garden behind Les Buissonnets - Thérèse pleads with her father, Louis, to join the Carmel.Mosaics lining the Crypt below the Basilica - home to the tomb of Zelie and Louis Martín.Colorful domed mosaics surround the altar of the Basilica, built to honor St. Thérèse.The Carmelite order maintains the garden behind Les Buissonnets.Thérèse’s childhood bedroom with a replica of The Smiling Virgin - the site of her miraculous healing.Hair from St. Thérèse in her childhood room - Les Buissonnets.Les Buissonnets - St. Thérèse’s childhood home.Crucifix inside the Basilica, containing a relic of St. Thérèse’s right arm.The bell tower outside the Basilica.The Basilica - built in devotion to St. Thérèse