“A great melody and heartfelt lyrics are essential. I think that means writing a lot of not so great songs before you write a great one.” – Marie Miller
This is a very cute song — a prayer that God might bring her true love into Marie Miller’s life, no matter what he looks like. It is interesting how she changes her lyrics between verses. Each time she describes her dream guy with different looks, giving greater emphasis to the message that she is open to whatever God wills.
With a pleasant melody and a catchy hook, Miller accomplishes what most cannot: the construction of a love tune that focuses on marriage and love, rather than baser instincts. It’s Christian themes make it a wholesome song that would be at home on a wedding dance floor.
You can see Miller’s development as a musician from her last single
. Her primary melody is more defined and memorable, while her chorus hook has more complicated with fluid lyrics. We can’t wait to hear what she comes up with next.-Jack Mauro