VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis decidated his June 3rd Wednesday general audience catechesis to the problems families face due to poverty. Here below we publish the official English-language summary of the Pope’s remarks.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Today we consider one of the conditions which afflict too many families, namely, poverty. And yet, in the worst of circumstances, even in war torn areas, how often these families persevere with dignity, entrusting themselves to the goodness of God. It is a miracle that even in extreme situations families continue to be formed and sustained. Sadly, our modern economies often promote individual wellbeing at the expense of the family. As Christians, however, we must always look for ways to strengthen and support families, especially poorer ones. The Church, as a mother, can never be blind to the sufferings of her children. For each of us, this means choosing simplicity both individually and in our institutions, so as to break down walls of division and overcome all difficulties, especially poverty. A poorer Church will bear fruit for so many of her needy children. Let us pray for the grace of conversion so that Christian families everywhere will be truly committed to helping their poorer brothers and sisters.