The movie Unbroken was released in late 2014 in the United States. Directed and produced by Angelina Jolie and based on the book by the same name by Laura Hillenbrand, the film tells the story of Loius Zamperini, an Olympian who became a pilot in WWII. Shot down in the Pacific, he survived on a life raft for 47 days before being captured by the Japanese and spending almost three years in prisoner of war camps. Zamperini, after returning home and suffering post-traumatic stress order and a failing marriage, gave his life to Jesus Christ at a Billy Graham crusade and immediately forgave his captors, traveling to Japan to meet with them face-to-face.
Although Zamperini died in the summer of 2014, before seeing the release of the film, his son, Luke has been sharing his father’s story ever since, continuing to spread his father’s message. In a recent interview with Aleteia, Luke tells Zoe Romanowsky what it was like have Louis as a father, the role faith played in their family life, and the legacy his father has left behind:
"He was someone who believed all things work together for good… that there’s an answer for everything. Don’t give up, don’t give in… you have to keep trying and keep fighting…:"