"We give thanks to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for these days together, reflection, prayer and proposals in order to act towards and from particular Churches of our America. Five conferences, twenty-two forums, liturgical celebrations and many missionary testimonies have become a new impetus to continue in our evangelization. Forums were developed around five key themes: Discipleship, Conversion, Secularization, Multiculturalism and Mission Ad Gentes."
These are the first words of the closing Message of the Fourth American Missionary Congress (CAM 4) and Ninth Latin American Missionary Congress (COMLA 9) which ended yesterday, Sunday, December 1, with the sending of missionaries and the announcement of the next CAM: Bolivia in 2018.
The Message expresses appreciation, in particular, to Pope Francis for pointing out the commitment of the Continental Mission promoted by Aparecida, and for the presence of its special envoy, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, who "reminded us that the mission Ad Gentes is the task of the entire Church."
Participants say they are confident that "the Spirit of Jesus gives us the passion and creativity to accomplish in our communities pastoral guidelines that emerged from this Congress," therefore they list the following.
Discipleship: to meet Jesus and preach him as missionary disciples.
Conversion: listen to the Word and denounce injustice.
Secularization: Prepare dialogue with everyone in order to promote the development in the political, social, economic, cultural and ecological life of society.
Multiculturalism: to promote a pastoral and a liturgy that consider the cultural reality of peoples, especially those of indigenous peoples and culturally emerging.
- Mission Ad Gentes: Episcopal Conferences, in 5 years, choose a place of mission where to send, after proper formation, religious, priests and lay people.
The message concludes with this invocation: "May Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Juan Diego, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Francis Xavier illuminate the new stage of evangelization to which the Pope Francis invites us. Missionary America, share your faith."