The Holy See announced on 18 November that Pope Francis will officially present his first Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on Tuesday 26 November 2013 in the John Paul II Hall of the Vatican.
The Exhortation is entitled “Evangelii Gaudium,” or “The Joy of the Gospel.”
The Holy Father will preach the Exhortation in front of 36 individuals coming from 18 different countries and 5 continents and will coincide with the end of the Year of Faith.
Archbishop Fisichella stated that Pope Francis will preach the Exhortation to people from "various stages of life," including "a bishop, a priest, a deacon, religious men and women, novices, a family, catechists, artists, journalists, young people, the elderly and the sick."
Then on Sunday 24 November 2013, the Bishop of Rome will release his Apostolic Exhortation at the Year of Faith's official closing Mass.
The aim was to conclude the Year of Faith in a "special way" stated Mgr. Fisichella. "We will be called to profess our faith again with strength and conviction in the presence of the Successor of Peter and almost in the physical presence of the first of the apostles, who founded the Roman Church along with Paul" he continued, and "another sign will be Pope Francis’ delivery of the Apostolic Exhortation 'Evangelii Gaudium'."
“The Year of Faith becomes a commitment that the Church assumes her duty once again to bring the Gospel to every creature” he added.
The Holy Father's Exhortation will involve evangelization and information from last year’s Synod of Bishops which focused on the theme of ‘The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith.’