All WYD participants have received a free copy of the book “Keys for Bioethics”, put together by the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation.
Blessed Jérôme Lejeune was a French professor. In 1958 he discovered that Down’s Syndrome was linked to an anomaly in genetic chromosomes. From that moment on he dedicated his work to scientific discovery and fought against the legalisation of abortion.
The aim of the book is to help young people reflect upon highly controversial themes such as abortion, euthanasia and research on human embryos, as well as to understand the ethical and biological implications that revolve around such questions. The manual, written by doctors and biologists, offers an objective presentation of current bioethical problems, building upon foundational concepts in science and reason, and with faith and the Church, it reaches its full meaning.
Monsignor João Carlos Petrini, the president of the Episcopal Commission for Pastoral Life of the Family said that he wanted to “propose a basic formation: when life begins, when it ends.” He explained that “it also deals with the concept of assisted fertilization, and that the baby has to be born out of love between man and woman.”
“We have in our hands a manual for youth” he affirms, “with very accessible language, that is an opportunity to get to grips with very delicate and complex themes on life.”
There revolutionary book has been published in two million copies and 4 languages.